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Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi Izuku Midoriya: Full Cowling!

 My Hero Academia is one of my favourite anime series (although I understand some may consider it a generic choice). And given the fact that I am a wholehearted action figure nerd and collector, it's no surprise that I have bought figures from the series. First I got the Figma version of Deku  and now I have acquired the reissued version of Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi Izuku Midoriya released by Kaiyodo! Aesthetics : Amazing Yamaguchi Deku looks gorgeous, with all of the details being nicely painted in, both on the front and back. The hair is also painted particularly nicely, with what looks like a base coat of black and green being sprayed from the top closely recreates the shading of the anime. Unlike some other My Hero Academia figures, Kaiyodo has went for a slightly more realistic style and proportions for their figures which gives them a cool vibe.  Articulation: This figure's articulation is superb, using the standard joints used in the Revoltech line, but in this c...

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